Medical Disclaimer

The general information and opinions expressed on this website, is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice.

This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Please always seek the advice of your doctor.

Our essential oils are not for ingestion, they are for vapour aroma and topical use only.

Mutha Smudga is not held responsible for any injuries or accidents that could arise when using our products.

Please consult and practice the Health & Safety and Medical Disclaimer information responsibly.

Please read the Health & Safety Cautions below, before use, to determine if appropriate for users health & safety.


Health & Safety Cautions to keep in mind:

Please check the ingredients list for any known allergens or sensitivities. This contains natural, organic ingredients, however even these may cause allergies, sensitivities or reactions to certain prescribed medicines and for those who suffer respiratory conditions.

Please do not use: If Pregnant or breast feeding, in concentrated areas or topically on children or animals.

Avoiding contact with eyes & surrounding facial areas or ingesting Please check the ingredients list for any known allergens or sensitivities.

Please be aware; Serious medical conditions such as asthma, high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney or liver disease, cancer, thrombosis, epilepsy can be reactive to particular oils, herbs & botanicals, dosages and smoke from can interfere with some medications. Please seek professional medical advice before doing so, if concerned about usage. If any irritation occurs please discontinue use and seek medical advice.

Citrus based oils can discolour skin if exposed to sunlight and can leave discolouration on skin.

100% pure essential oils are not recommended to be used directly on the skin, as they can cause sensitives and irritations, please dilute first.

You may wish to conduct a patch test, if a reaction occurs use olive oil to clean patch as soaps can irritate further


This information and product is NOT intended for or to be substituted for a medical device, diagnosis, treatment or cure for illness. For professional medical advice, please consult a registered doctor before use.